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Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Super Junior’s Yesung updated his twitter account recently with an artistic group photo of himself with Siwon.

Super Junior’s Yesung Shoots a Selca with Siwon in the Background 2310-17647

Yesung wrote, “The peace between me and Siwon when he has sunk into a deep sleep.” He then uploaded a selca of himself wearing a pair of thick-framed glasses. However, in the background fellow group member Siwon can also be seen slumped in his chair.

On seeing the photograph, fans and netizens remarked, “Is Choi Si Won really sleeping? Or is he just in deep thought?”, “Yesung is becoming more and more handsome, so I can easily forgive his earlier clumsiness”, “Choi Siwon’s side profile is really praiseworthy,” and so on.

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