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As many of you may know, Sooyoung is my absolutle

girl crush. and while i didnt realize that until recently, i

have always though that sooyoung was a

character that i really admired. weather it was her looks or just

the little things shes said, she always stuck out to me.

Happy BirthdaySooyoung

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Indososhi Mengucapkan Happy BirthdaySooyoung  Tumblr_mhyivx2JFO1r3dsxgo2_250
Indososhi Mengucapkan Happy BirthdaySooyoung  Tumblr_mhyivx2JFO1r3dsxgo4_250
Indososhi Mengucapkan Happy BirthdaySooyoung  Tumblr_mhyivx2JFO1r3dsxgo5_250
Indososhi Mengucapkan Happy BirthdaySooyoung  Tumblr_mhyivx2JFO1r3dsxgo8_250


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