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Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Here are a couple areas that our professional team will check out to
make sure your AC
unit is ready for operation when those hot temps hit:

Time to Service Your Air Conditioning Unit
Time to Service Your Air Conditioning Unit 377650_405192722909624_1475549226_n
Time to Service Your Air Conditioning Unit

1) We look at the moving parts to make sure they are lubricated
properly to help avoid friction and reduce the amount of energy that is
required for it to function.

2) Our team will make sure all controls are operating properly and will tighten all of the connections.

3) The setting of your thermostat will be evaluated to ensure they are
set to temperatures you prefer when you are home and set to the correct
energy saving temps when you are gone.

4) It’s also important to check the condensation drain to make sure it’s not clogged.

These are just a few important areas that are a part of our air
conditioning maintenance check list. When a member of our team comes to
inspect your AC unit, they will go over the complete list with you. You
don’t want to have your cooling system break down on you in the middle
of the summer. Call CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi today and a member of our team will get
your home

Scheduled for an air conditioner maintenance check so you can have a piece of mind once the heat hits Summer.


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