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1buy and sell Air Conditioning solutions Fri 01 Mar 2013, 15:21


Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Air Conditioning solutions Cute+Air+Conditioning+solutions
Air Conditioning solutions
Cv. Anugerah Teknik Abadi are Air
Conditioning Installation Company take pride in being one of the most
affordable, professional and reliable residential and commercial.

Integrity, Honesty. We do not over sell. We only do what's needed

Today's Air Conditioning solutions are evolved,
far more efficient, look anything but a beast, and offer much more than
just air conditioning. The sizes have shrunken, the noise levels have
fallen, the control be it temperature, swing, fan speed, or auto-mode is
completely in your hands. And yes, you don't have to worry as much
about the water supply problem either. That's the world of modern ACs.

"We service All Makes and Models"

<blockquote class="tr_bq">
Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500 </blockquote>

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