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Simple javascript / php script that hides the original referring url from analytic software.

You may be wondering why in the world would you ever want to hide a referring url? Well, for several reasons really.

Private ‘research’ Forums that link and share Websites, Content and Web Tools. This tool will ensure the original referring url is hidden, helping keep private areas unknown to statistic programs.
The script can be hosted on a remote domain so the original referring Website is masked.
Any Website linking to an online tools direct-backend url, like a rank checking site.
It can be used to help kill new user link spam from WordPress comments or Forums.
Use it to kill search engine link benefits from open forums or any public website that posts links.

The hide referrer script is rather simple. The reason it hides the original referring source is due to the javascript redirect. If it was a php redirect, it would pass through the referring url, unless it paused and required another click. The rest of the script keeps it from being abused by others.


<?php /** Hide the Original Referring URL of a link */
/** Location to redirect errors to */
$error_redirect = 'http://technerdia.com/';
/** Local Host Check */
$host_check = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if ( $host_check  != "technerdia.com" ) { header( "Location: $error_redirect" ); }
/** IP Check */
//$check_url = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
//if ( $check_url != "" ) { header( "Location: $error_redirect" ); }
/** No $url Error */
$url = $_GET['url'];
if ( !$url ) { header( "Location: $error_redirect" ); }
/** Check URL Format */
if ( !preg_match( "/^(http|https):\/\//i", $url ) ) { echo "Error: URL is not formatted correctly."; exit; }
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function go() {
    top.location = '<?=$url;?>'
<body onload="go()">

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