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1JOB VACANCY Electrical Engineering Empty JOB VACANCY Electrical Engineering Wed 31 Oct 2012, 15:37



Formal Education
• S1 degree in Electrical Engineering from a reputable local or overseas university.
• Holding Certification of Engineer Expertise (SKA Utama) for Electrical .

Working Experience
• Minimum 5 years experience in power industry, manufacturer and electrical panels business.
• Experience in electrical works related such as wiring, testing, commissioning and technical solutions.
• Experience in PLC logic & Programming with Omron, Siemens S7
• Must be able to create and read logic & flow diagrams for program design, programming, simulation & testing & startup.
• Minimum 3 years in supervisory level will be an additional value but not mandatory.

Other Relevant Requirement
• Independent person.
• Good managerial skills.

email to : hrd@ptcta.com
Contact : +62 331-325-757


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