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1What is Barcode Scanners Empty What is Barcode Scanners Tue 23 Apr 2013, 15:20


Barcode Scanners or Barcode Readers is an electronic device used to read printed barcode on the product and it is attached to computers for calculation and billing purposes.
What is Barcode Scanners Barcode-scanners

Like any other scanner, it consists of light source or light emitting diodes, a lens and light sensor to convert optical signal into electrical signal and then data is sent to computer for further processing.

There are 2 major classes of barcode scanners, image-based scanners and laser-based scanners. Image-based barcode scanners uses a camera embedded in barcode scanners.

Camera is used to capture the images and then processed by complex image techniques to decode the barcode.

Laser-based barcode scanners uses mirrors and lenses to read the barcode. Laser barcode scanners are similar to other scanner except that they use laser beam as the light source and employ either a reciprocating mirror or a rotating prism to scan the laser beam back and forth across the bar code.

An image-based barcode scanner do not have internal movable parts, also image-based barcode scanners have a shorter scanning distance (4 to 10 inches).

On the other hand, laser scanners are capable of scanning from longer distance (up to 24 inches) and also able to scan from a wider angle from the barcode.

Sumber : http://www.byscholar.com/103252/barcode-scanners-advantages.html


2What is Barcode Scanners Empty Re: What is Barcode Scanners Tue 23 Apr 2013, 15:25


Barcode Scanners Application

Barcode Scanner are widely used in Industries, Departmental store, Retail shop, clinics, libraries, any POS and many more where a large quantity of items are being transferred/purchased each day.

Barcode scanners minimizes the waiting time of your customers when they are at the cashiers. POS barcode scanners or point of sale scanners allows cashier to scan the product and all the important information such as product category, product code,pricing etc will be digitally recorded.

Another advantage of using barcode scanners is that all recorded information is easily retrievable as this is stored in a local computer. This makes it easy to generate accounting data, ledgers etc convenient. Also the inventory levels in your store can be easily identified as well.

Barcode Scanners types

There are 2 types of barcode scanners. They are CCD-based and laser-based. Laser scanners has moving laser beam which scans the code resulting in fast and error free reading. CCD scanners has a row of light emitting diodes and photo detectors for scanning purposes.

Barcode Scanners Advantages

Speed and Accuracy – An experienced data entry operator would be able to enter product code or name, product id, price on his computer keyboard in approximately 10 seconds. The same operation with barcode scanner would take less than a second.

Implementation Ease – So you wanted to start using barcode scanners for your shop but are worried that you have never used it before. The use of barcode readers is very simple with no prerequisite for usage and anybody can use it.


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