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1Promo rajakamar.com - XL Axiata Empty Promo rajakamar.com - XL Axiata Wed 10 Jul 2013, 23:06


XL Star Promo rajakamar.com - XL Axiata

  • This promo is only valid for XL Pre-Paid Customer that is registered as XL STAR customer and for XL Pre-Paid and Post-Paid customer that is registered as XL Premium customer. This promo is not valid for XL staff, VIP/VVIP customer, corporate customer, HAURAA customer, XL Tourist, Retail Outlet, and XL Kita customer.
  • To take part in this promo, XL customer must have an account or listed in www.rajakamar.com
  • The validity period of the promo are as follows:

    1. Room reservation period: July 8th - August 31st, 2013
    2. Check-in period: July 9th - December 31st, 2013

  • In this promo, XL customer deserved to get a discount promo up to 5% for every purchase or room reservation at www.rajakamar.com/xl
  • This 5% discount promo can not be combined with another promo.
  • In this promo, XL customer also deserved to get a cashback voucher worth Rp 50.000,- for every purchase or room reservation or holiday package.
  • This discount promo only valid for hotel reservation by online at www.rajakamar.com, it is invalid for offline reservation nor reservation via BB Apps and Android Apps, and as long as the room is still available.
  • While making a reservation at www.rajakamar.com/xl, XL customer must provide XL phone number and PIN. PIN can be obtained by contacting XL customer service at 817.
  • XL customer can onnly received one PIN during promo period and the PIN can only be used for one-time transaction during room reservation period at www.rajakamar.com/xl
  • XL customer who has completed the booking and payment transaction will receive a reservation confirmation in a form of hotel electronic voucher through e-mail. This hotel electronic voucher can be printed for later be used while checking-in.
  • The Rp 50.000,- cashback voucher can be obtained by XL Customer who has done the reservation by contacting the Rajakamar.com Call Center at 021-500012. XL Custome must inform the booking code number to get the cashback voucher.
  • The Rp 50.000,- cashback voucher valid for one year and can be used for the next reservation, but can not be combined with another promo.
  • Another ordering process and room payment method and other terms and conditions that are not mentioned here refers to the process as well as the general terms and conditions applied at Rajakamar.com. For more information, XL Customer can directly contact Rajakamar.com Call Center at 021-500012.
  • More information about this promo can be asked to XL Customer Service at 817. All inquiries regarding booking confirmation, room rates, room availability and other related services and products of Rajakamar.com directly addressed to Rajakamar.com Call Center at 021-500012.
  • XL, from time to time, authorized to make changes on the criteria or privileges granted to XL Star customer without prior notice to the customer in concerned.
  • If XL Customer is proven to misuse the XL STAR or XL Premium Programme and/or perform an act which is a violation to XL STAR and XL Premium Programme, then XL has the right to cancel the XL STAR membership and retract any privileges that have been granted as XL STAR customer.

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