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Ailee impresses with her mind-blowing performance of Adele's 'Someone Like You' at YHY Sketchbook BPjLIKKCMAAKJjf.png%2Blarge

Ailee puts off a mind blowing performance of Adele’s hit song ‘Someone Like You’ on July 19 at Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook.

Accompanied with an acoustic guitar, Ailee mesmerized the audience with her cover of ‘Someone Like You’. The crowd undeniably enjoyed her performance and Ailee owned the stage with her powerful vocals.

Fans commented, “Ailee’s voice resonated through our minds.”,”Her voice control is really amazing!”,”This girls has exemplary talent in singing!” and so on.

Source : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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