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1Britney Spears Lipsync, Ngewe Aja Gan Empty Britney Spears Lipsync, Ngewe Aja Gan Tue 08 Oct 2013, 07:26


Britney Spears Lipsync, Ngewe Aja Gan 2036312

Las Vegas - Britney Spears dengan tegas membantah adanya isu tak sedap bahwa ia akan bernyanyi secara lipsync selama tampil di Las Vegas.

"Aku akan bernyanyi secara live," tegas Britney saat sesi wawancara dengan radio 103.5 KISS FM seperti mengutip huftingtonpost.

"Aku selalu bernyanyi live, memang tidak selamanya bagus, tetapi aku akan mencoba sebaik mungkin," imbuhnya.

Mulai 27 Desember 2013 nanti, Spears akan tampil selama 90 menit dalam satu kali pertunjukan bertajuk 'Piece Of Me'. Spearss secara eksklusif menjalani kontrak selama dua tahun untuk acara tersebut.

Isu ini muncul saat New York Daily Times memberitakan popstar tersebut tidak akan menyanyi, melainkan hanya ngedance sambil lipsync dalam pertunjukan ang juga menampilkan putra sulungnya.

"Aku telah berlatih keras untuk penampilanku kali ini. Aku pasti akan menampilkan yang terbaik," tegasnya. [aji]


Britney Spears may lip-sync her way through her two-year Las Vegas residency.

The New York Daily News reports that the 31-year-old pop superstar will not sing live during her 90-minute "Piece of Me" Vegas shows, which kick off at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino Friday, Dec. 27. Spears is set to showcase her greatest hits as well as tracks off her new album, due out Dec. 3.

“Britney does not sing," a source told the newspaper. "She is being paid a lot of money to lip-sync. Her fans are none the wiser, but it is disingenuous of her to take their cash and not deliver a proper performance.”

“She hasn’t sung live for a couple of years,” the source added. “If the crowd thinks they are being cheated then there is likely to be an uproar, but then again look at the success of Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson shows. The performers in that production don’t sing live, and it has been a runaway success.”

Gossip Cop, however, says the report is totally false.

The website claims the "supposed insider" has been trying to pass off the "bogus rumors" to multiple news outlets for weeks. A source close to the singer allegedly told the site “Britney will be singing" and has been in vocal training for months now.

This is not the first time the "Work Bitch" star's vocals have come into question. Earlier this year, rapper Eve suggested Spears didn't sing on will.i.am's "Scream & Shout." She supposedly wasn't even in the studio for the recording. Spears' publicist later quashed Eve's claims.

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