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1Belajar HANDLER Empty Belajar HANDLER Mon 16 Sep 2013, 08:32


Mari belajar HANDLER

Step 1: Install HandlerUI Embedder app.
Step 2: Create 2 folders (Folder1, Folder2).
Step 3: Unpack the file you want to mod to Folder1.
with mini commander or other...
Step 4: Launch HandlerUI Embedder.
Step 5: Browse and Set the Input Folder Path. sample location; [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Step 6: Browse and Set the Out Folder Path. sample location; [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
This is where the modded and finished file goes.
Step 7: Start Patch. Wait for a few minutes, this depends if its large
file it may take longer. If done. Exit app, Open your File Manager
like X-plore 1.58 or Minicommander 4.2 go to ouput Folder2 then
repack all files to .jar.
Step 8: Exit File Manager. Locate and Install. The modded app is
auto named with HandlerUI.


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