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Search Engine Optimization

One of the repetitive task in Search Engine Optimization is to record the current search situation such as the total indexed file, the average page rank. Google provides webmaster tools for a webmaster to monitor the indexing progress of his website in google. However, if you are not the owner of the website or you just have the right for controlling only some part of the website, you have to do you own search and record the record result in the google. This kind of job may be repeated in a daily basis.

Another common job is to measure the performance of or how well a keyword impress the search engine. This can be done by providing the site's name and the keyword in the search engine.

Automation by robots

A lot of tasks related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be done by robots. There are little number of commercial robot software can be found in the market. Most of the case, SEO experts have to write their own robots. Moreover, most of the programming languages are focusing on providing the general usage and they lack of simple commands for fetching a webpages and retrieving information in that webpage. In most programming language. if you want to fetching a webpage, you have to prepare a lot of things, such as: connection objects, http header information, http state handler, etc.

Download the example http://code.google.com/p/quescript/downloads/detail?name=GoogleSearchCount.01.zip

Source : https://sites.google.com/site/quescript/quescript-tutorial/google-search-count-using-quescript


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