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1Cara Buat Chet D3D Menu 2012  Empty Cara Buat Chet D3D Menu 2012 Sun 21 Oct 2012, 11:22


[-]Video Tutor [Download]
[-]Microsoft DiretcX 9.0 2004 Summer (Di install biar bisa Nge-Build) [Download]
[-]Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 / 2010 Express
Edition (Software Terpenting) [Download ]
[-]Base D3D [Download ] ( Base Ini Work , Cuma Edit Dikit Jadi Dah ,
[-]File Byte to Array [Download]
[-]Perx Injector [Download]
[-]Test D3D9 Windows [Download]

Base ke Folder
[-]Install Microsoft DiretcX 9.0 2004 Summer
Microsoft Visual C++
[-]New File Project
[-]Propeties Edit .exe
menjadi DLL
[-]VC Dictories
Include pada folder C:/Program File/Microsoft DiretcX 9.0/Include
Klik Check
[-]Browse Libary pada folder C:/Program File/Microsoft
DiretcX 9.0Lib
[-]Kemudian Klik Check
[-]Kemudian drag file
[-]Lalu kemudian drag file .cpp
[-]Kemudian ubah Debug ke
[-]Lalu Build
[-]Kemudian Re-build
[-]Check DLL di
folder yg kamu save di folder Realase
[-]Opps jangan lupa sebelum
Re-build edit2 kodenya
[-]Kode Notice + Anti Rename di file cBase.cpp
edit tampilan Menu D3D di file cMenu.cpp
[-]Untuk mengganti Gambar
D3D pada file cMenu.cpp di kode Menupic nanti akan ada kode : 0xi42d
[-]Untuk mengubahnya , ubah file gambar kamu ke Array Bytes
paste ke Kode di MenuPic itu
[-]Kalo sudah selesai semua RE-BUILD


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