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1SEO Website Assessment Empty SEO Website Assessment Mon 09 Dec 2013, 08:45


The first step toward improving the success of your web site is to determine where you are now.

We help business owners at all stages of web site development, from beginning sites that need a plan that they can follow through large established sites that may need a little tweaking to get the most out of them. The staff at SEO Shop takes the time to study your site, your competitors, and the market that you are in in an effort to prepare a complete assesment of your web site and present you with a plan that can be used moving forward.

While every site is different, here are just a few of the items that you can expect to be analyzed and planned for: link report

On site issues:
Meta information
Keyword focus
Title construction
Site content focus

Off site issues:
Link BreackdownLink profile
Basic keyword research
Competitor analysis
Search engine penetration

Full report including files

A basic plan is included that can be used to do your own marketing in house, used for quoting, or used by us.

Don't hesitate to take the next step, the door to search engine prominence can be swung wide open once you understand how to exploit your existing strengths and minimize your existing weaknesses. You can receive a hassle free, no obligation SEO website assessment that holds all answers you have been seeking.

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