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Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
While the future of SEO is mostly unknown to webmasters and marketers who are powerless to the great, big Google, some 2014 SEO predictions have already been made by experts in the field

What is Schema markup?

Schema markup defines everything on your page, and there is markup for just about any item that you can think of: people, places, organizations and products among them. However, the list is too large by far to go into in such a short space. Schema.org isn’t controlled by a single entity. Rather, it’s a group effort, which means that the markup constantly evolves as new needs become available.

Modify Your SEO Tactics - Currently, the following data will show up as rich snippets on Google:

• events
• music
• organizations
• people
• products
• recipes
• reviews
• software applications
• videos

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