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1How To Increase Sales on Your Website Empty How To Increase Sales on Your Website Tue 25 Mar 2014, 23:56


One of the main problems that online businesses often run into is the lack of optimization in marketing and lack of business trust, which consequently result in lower sales and lower website traffic. In order to attract more customers, and what is more important, make it easier for them to buy different products from your website, you might want to employ some of these marketing tips.

1. Call to Action

First of all, it is very tedious for a customer to go through many steps of signing up, ordering, paying just to buy a simple product, and this kind of frustration makes them lose business trust in you. However, this problem can be solved by using CTA – call to action buttons, which will instruct your customers to buy a product immediately. There are a few rules to creating CTA buttons – do not leave much white space, do not use clichéd phrases like “Only today!” or “Right now, just for you!”. Try to subtle, work on a suggestive, but implicit design, use different shapes and experiment with the phrasing, in order to make it attractive for customers, and the most important – keep it SIMPLE. Simplicity and brevity of the process will make your customer very content to be buying from you.

2.Free stuff

Another way of attracting more customers, increasing the website traffic and influencing them to buy even more is by offering free stuff. It might not see as the best marketing trick at first, but it is really paying off in the long run. Sales of companies like Amazon have risen exactly because they offer free stuff to their user, in this way enabling them to preview what kind of service and products they would be getting if they choose to buy from them. Free stuff can include e-books, webinars, free shipping and even free products.

3. Information

If you want to learn how to increase sales, you need to understand that what customers usually need in order to come back to your site and buy something else is more information and consulting on your products and services. Many successful enterprises solve this by addressing the needs and questions of their customers in person, either by setting toll-free phone lines, enabling a 24/7 live chat or even an easy contact us form/email.

A good and reliable service where an operators can provide information about products or consult with the customers on which product would be the best for them can make all the difference here. This is not the place to cut corners.

Also, you might want to re-think your return policy and make it as easier as you can for your customers to return a product should they need to. If you can make the experience a “hassle free”, trust me, your products will be flying off your shelves.

4. Education

Additionally, you might like to organize seminars (online and offline) in order to increase the website traffic and gain business trust. This easy marketing trick will help you to position your self and brand as the expert in your field and to of course, market your products, services and skill to your audience.

Other options to increase your business trust by sharing your knowledge are: Articles, blog pots, podcast, YouTube videos, E-books…

Lately I’ve been experimenting with running free webinars on topics that are close to my heart, such as “How to Choose a Domain for your Business” and “The beginner’s guide to Blogging”. The return on investment (In my case it’s the amount of people who reach out to me to create their website or logo) after each webinar is incredible. I can honestly say that it is 3 times more than on any special sale I have ever had. You see, by sharing good and quility content, you not only draw some attention to your business, you also position yourself as the guru in your field and people will come thirsty for more. And they will be happy to pay for your valuable knowledge this time around.

Making it easy and simple for your visitors to buy form you, having an excellent service, sharing your knowledge and giving away free stuff are key to your success, for attracting new and returning visitors and to increase your sales. Just follow the ideas and you will see the number of visitors on your website rising, and more and more customers buying from you!


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