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1Harga HP China Desember 2012 Empty Harga HP China Desember 2012 Mon 10 Dec 2012, 19:22


Ponsel Nexian Diva NX-G272: Rp. 600.000

Ponsel Nexian lady NX-G798: Rp. 725.000

Ponsel Genio PG3000Q: Rp. 655.000

Ponsel Glozz PG5000Q: Rp. 925.000

Ponsel Polytron Genio PG1000Q: Rp. 300.000

Ponsel Nexian Nidji NX508: Rp. 325.000

Ponsel Nexian Speed2 W750: Rp. 595.000

Ponsel Nexian G868 Tap: Rp. 575.000

Ponsel Steel NX-G268: Rp. 470.000

Ponsel maxtron MG 218: Rp. Rp. 450.000

Ponsel SoundBox G509: Rp. 350.000.

Ponsel Nexian Cappucino NX-G869: Rp. 735.000

Ponsel Nexian Princess NX-G889: Rp. 850.000

Ponsel Nexian Dynamic NX-G353: Rp. 310.000

Ponsel Nexian W701: Rp. 320.000

Ponsel HT mobile M16: Rp. 425.000

Ponsel HT Mobile G15: Rp. 400.000

Ponsel HT Mobile M18: Rp. 425.000

Ponsel HT Mobile F9: Rp. 725.000

Ponsel HT Mobile G76: Rp. 650.000

Ponsel HT mobile A10: Rp. 300.000

Ponsel HT Mobile G10s: Rp. 275.000

Ponsel Mobile X10: Rp. 500.000

Ponsel Taxco M6: Rp. 370.000

Ponsel CrossX CB 83AT: Rp. 360.000

Ponsel Skybee 60OD: Rp. 230.000

Ponsel Asiafone AF-505: Rp. 350.000

Ponsel Polytron Graffiti PG200T: Rp. 745.000

Ponsel Mito 333: Rp. 430.000

Ponsel mito 311: Rp. 450.000

Ponsel Mito 833: Rp. 575.000

Ponsel Mito 8300: Rp. 400.000

Ponsel Mito 8700: Rp. 550.000

Ponsel Mito 500; Rp. 500.000

Ponsel Mito 611: Rp. 485.000


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