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hi Guys ... I'm Got many maggesges in my inbox about server r00t.I think too many pepole are intrested in Server r00t so today I'm Presneting My Tunsian Friend Black-X Genius's Ebook On server r00ting. Hope You will Enjoy The book

This small book is will explain
you how professional hackers got root on servers.
this book is for beginner.

Leassons Of Book

Lesson 1- What is Root ?
Lesson 2- How can I get on the Root ?
Lesson 3- Local root and how to search for
him ?
Lesson 4- How connect the server ?
Lesson 5- How to get Root access ?
Lesson 6- What happen after the root ?
Lesson 7- The withdrawal of my domain ?
Lesson 8- How to do mass deface ?
Lesson 9- How to register the hacked
websites on Zoneh?
Lesson 10- How to clear tracks from serve ?


File Name : 1882519Root On Server.rar
File Url : http://girilaya.com/get/2cfgs5
File Size : 698561
File Type : application/x-rar-compressed

Upload Sukses - Silakan Download sepuasnya
Berhasil mengUPLOAD file : Root_On_Server.rar
Server yang digunakan : download.global.cvata.com/
File Url : http://girilaya.com/get/h3u1wu
File Size : 698561
File Type : application/x-rar-compressed


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