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Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW

After Jessica Simpson seemed to confirm her second pregnancy Christmas Day on Twitter, via a photo of baby girl Maxwell on the beach with "big sis" written in the sand, the Weight Watchers spokeswoman made it extra official Wednesday in a new ad that confirmed there's a little one on the way.
"I'm having another baby," she says outright in the ad. "I feel like I'm on top of the world."

Also news, though not mentioned in the commercial: She won't be following the Weight Watchers program during her pregnancy.

"Our celebrity ambassador Jessica Simpson shared yesterday that another gift is on the way!," Weight Watchers said Wednesday on its Facebook page. "After a 50lb weight loss to get back to her pre-baby weight, she’s expecting a second child next year ...

"We know that one of the most important factors for having a healthy baby is being a healthy mother, and though Jessica will not be following the program during her pregnancy, we feel good that what she’s learned during her time on our program can help her make healthy choices in any life stage," the company continued.

"Congrats Jess, Eric and big sister-to-be Maxwell on the wonderful news!"

Eric, of course, is Eric Johnson, Jessica's fiance and Maxwell's dad. The couple, engaged since November 2010, have not announced a wedding date.

Simpson announced she was pregnant with Maxwell on another holiday, Halloween 2011, saying on her website, "It's True! I'm going to be a mummy!" and posting a picture of her dressed as the same. The little girl was born May 1.

Sumber : http://go.girilaya.com/h2w6m4
Rolling Eyes

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Jessica Simpson Jaga keSexyanTubuh dengan Diet Pasca Melahirkan Jessica-cover-red-dress1

Surprised Surprised Surprised


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