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1Massimo Dutti Lookbooks Empty Massimo Dutti Lookbooks Mon 31 Dec 2012, 16:48


There’s not much wiggle room to be truly creative when you’re a major, high-end international retailer, but this collection of Massimo Dutti pieces serves as a strong case study for how brands can step outside of the box and still maintain the lofty, high-class aura that brings in their target consumers.
Massimo Dutti Lookbooks Dvmszm

These Massimo Dutti pieces run the gamut from rocker chic ads to gender-bending pieces and nude femme lookbooks, each collection still managing to uphold the power and precision that has made Massimo Dutti one of the world’s most respected international luxury brands.

My favorite lookbook from this series of Massimo Dutti pieces is Exquisite Sandy Styles. The photographs are from the Spring/Summer 2011 Massimo Dutti lookbook and were shot by vaunted Spanish fashion photography duo Hunter & Gatti, who manages to capture sex appeal in staid creme and khaki, without losing an ounce of sophistication or style.



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