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1RIP Megan Fox, HOAX !!! Empty RIP Megan Fox, HOAX !!! Thu 03 Jan 2013, 15:58


With 2013 barely 48 hours old, Twitter saw “RIP Megan Fox” trending. She now has the distinction of being the first celebrity death hoax of the year. And yes, it’s just a hoax.
RIP Megan Fox, HOAX !!! MeganFox-206x300

Fortunately, unlike most of the celebrity death hoaxes in 2012, most users didn’t take the bait and immediately dismissed the rumor. In fact, “RIP Megan Fox” became the butt of many jokes throughout the evening. Here are a few choice tweets we spotted immediately after the hoax began to trend:

Twitter: killing people since 2006 …RIP Megan Fox
Breaking News: RIP Megan Fox is now trending. Good job twitter it only took you 48 hours to claim your first victim
Why are people always killing celebrities on twitter? R.I.P megan fox?
I’d see people saying something like ” I’d like to RIP Megan Fox ‘s shirt off” but not RIP Megan Fox

Sumber : http://go.girilaya.com/0ztf31


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