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1Facebook Goes Down Empty Facebook Goes Down Sun 13 Jan 2013, 18:53


FACEBOOK, What Is Going On ?? First Gmail was down for around 18 minutes and Google Drive experienced a short outage, and now Facebook is down for many users.

For a brief moment on Thursday afternoon, people all over were forced to actually work: Facebook, they discovered, was down.

Just before 2 p.m. EST, Twitter lit up with reports of users being unable to login to the world’s largest social network. Some were greeted with a white screen after directing their browsers to Facebook.com, while another user reported being unable to login after getting to the homescreen.

But before HuffPost Tech’s Bianca Bosker could even take a screenshot, Facebook was back up and seemed to be working as usual.

The Huffington Post has reached out to Facebook for an explanation as to why the service became unavailable for some users, and we’ll update the story when we hear back.

Facebook, which went public in May, has more than one billion users. The company says that more than half of those users are active on a daily basis.

Source : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ and http://www.downwhere.com/facebook
Luffy Luffy


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