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There are many ways to win new customers; the five tips below show several different ways to help you win new local customers.

1. Local Workshops & Events

Create your own local workshop which provides free insights and training for local businesses about online marketing. This is a great way to establish yourself as a ‘local’ expert, create credibility for your business and impress potential clients with your understanding of the issues they face.

These events are about helping local businesses understand the opportunities available to them and showing yourself as a knowledgeable agency; it’s not about pitching your services. If you can prove your knowledge and be helpful to them, their business will come your way.

2. Informal ‘Meet-ups’

While workshops are more formal and structured affairs, meet-ups and social occasions and are designed to introduce local business owners to each other and to build your local network. You should invite existing customers, prospects and other local contacts you use, e.g., IT support, PR.

The more people who attend, the more influential you appear and the more benefit business owners get by attending the meet-up. It’s great to have customers and prospects rubbing shoulders and you can provide advice and direction to local business owners on what’s new in SEO/marketing.

3. Local Newspapers/Traditional Advertising

Despite it’s dwindling impact and consumption, traditional local media still exists and still carries local advertising. Local businesses that advertise here obviously have marketing budget to spend, and the pages of your local paper represent a great hunting ground for businesses that you can lure over to online.

You’ll need to prove the value you can deliver vs. traditional media, but at least, you know that these businesses have budget to spend, so you’re less likely to waste your time chasing ‘no hope’ prospects.

4. Facebook, Twitter & Google+

Actively building up your social networks and using your network to reach a wider group of potential customers is not a ground breaking tactic, but many businesses are not proactive enough in this area.

If you get a follower, then follow them back. If you have some useful content or local event, then share it with your network. Promote your workshops/meet-ups to your network and invite them to bring a colleague, contact, friend or even their mum — you never know where the next lead or introduction will come from!

5. Referrals

No other channel packs the same punch as getting a direct referral from a happy customer or contact. The personal endorsement carries such weight that you should close almost every lead you get through this channel. You should make the most of this channel by actively creating case studies of successful work and then asking those customers if they would keep you in mind when they speak to other business owners. You could offer existing customers a discount on their account if they can introduce new customers to you — make it worth their while.

It goes without saying that your own SEO performance and site optimization is important. If you can’t get your own site to rank well and your site looks like a dog’s dinner and doesn’t incorporate strong call-to-action points, then it becomes much harder for you to convince others of your skills.

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