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15 Free Business Tools To Check Out Empty 5 Free Business Tools To Check Out Sun 10 Mar 2013, 23:12


Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Let’s face it, as business owners there are plenty of costs to doing business so when you can take advantage of free business tools it is well worth it. There are a lot of great free business tools out there, today I am going to discuss my 5 favorites. These are sites that I use on a daily basis to build my business. I find all these sites worth my time as I can see measurable results from each one.
Here are 5 free business tools to add to your site.

IBOtoolbox IBOtoolbox is one of my favorite free business tools. The site has so much to offer, with all kinds of great benefits. IBOtoolbox is a business social network that allows you to meet and network with other small business owners. You can blog on the site, share your videos, use their URL shortener, team build and advertise for free. They allow you to place banner ads and text ads similar to Google PPC on the site by using credits you have earned. You earn credits by the activities you do on the site, like creating blog posts, commenting on people’s blog posts, attending webinars, etc. This site is actually quite effective for advertising because they get over 300,000 views a day and over 96% of that traffic is non members. It’s a great way to get eyeballs on your business from other business owners and business seekers.

Just Retweet This is a way to get viral exposure for your website, blog or videos. I think this is one extremely powerful tool if you are using social media to build your business. Just Retweet allows your content to easily get retweeted on Twitter, liked on Facebook and to Google+. Just Retweet is based on a points system, when you Tweet or share others content you get points which in turn you can use to have people Tweet or share your content.

TribePro This is a great syndication network to help bring exposure and traffic to your website. Tribepro is made up of entrepreneurs who share each others blog posts, videos, content and website’s to their social networks. This helps get you traffic and more brand exposure.

Post Planner I love this tool for scheduling Facebook posts to your profile or pages ahead of time. This helps with regular engagement on your profile and page. I think it is a great tool to upload posts in bulk to save you time. That being said I still believe in being actively engaged on Facebook. My strategy is to schedule several posts a day ahead of time and then to do a post or 2 a day on my page that are relevant to that day. I also go and interact with people daily on my page and profile. I don’t use this tool to completely automate but I do use it as a time saving device.

IWowwe Free Video E-mail This is a great tool to build your business because it adds such a personal touch to your e-mails. I love it because not only can I use it for business but I can use it to interact with my sister who lives on the other side of the world. The system has hundreds of pre-loaded templa
tes for your e-mails so you can send one out for any occasion or even create and upload your own template. You don’t have to worry that this is complicated either, it is very user friendly and quick to send out a video e-mail.

If these are business tools that you are not yet using I highly recommend each of them. I would love to hear what other free business tools I did not list that you use. Leave me a comment below and let me know.

Source : http://girilaya.com/tips-tutorial/5-free-business-tools-to-check-out.html
Very Happy Very Happy

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