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Below is conversaton about optimazion ON PAGE and OFF PAGE.

Q. On and OFF PAGE Optimazation are 2 Factors can Build Rank [PR] on Search Engine. Which is better : optimazion based ON PAGE or OFF PAGE ?

A. You have to focus on ON Page just enough to create the best content you possibly can. That is what I am doing and I am getting good results for my brand new website.
The Off Page it is going to be a lot easier when your content is really great. People will naturally link to you, and I didn’t believe on that until it happens to me.

A. But of course, you should put a little bit of effort yourself to build some backlinks. But take the long road. Just white hat tactics here.

Sumber : http://girilaya.com/girilaya-real-groups/which-is-better-optimazion-based-on-page-or-off-page.html



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