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1belajar ROI Calculators vs. Value Calculators Tue 30 Apr 2013, 23:17


ROI Calculators vs. Value Calculators. If you have every used an "ROI Calculator," you have been asked to fill-in several fields, before clicking to see your potential Return-on-Investment. This approach is a good starting point, but does not contribute to SEO or Web Analytics because it does not use data specific to your existing constituents or the prospects you want to work with.

When asking constituents for information about them, web sites by Known Quantity { Q } are able to capture the information provided, then search the database for other existing customers who have a similar profile. The resuls goes far beyond a projected ROI. Customers are able to see case studies actual comments from different people who participated in the project. This is how SEO and Web Analytics are signficantly enhanced by Value Analytics.

This collection of data about prospects give you an advantage when as you build a relationship with them. It also allows you to track the optimal pricing and business model in a market with evolving needs.

Organizations of all sizes are capable of demonstrating that they deliver value to their own customers. Some think that they are too small to use the proven techniques that have worked for global enterprises. Others think that quantified value does necessarily apply to their markets. { Q } is in business to find what our clients' customers value and turning that market intelligence into transactions. We then architect beautiful, simple and user-friendly web sites that enable buyers to see what they will realistically be able to gain by using your product or service.

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