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There are many great ways to create free traffic for your website. One particular way is through the use of article marketing. You can promote your site by writing articles which are optimized for specific search engine keywords and submit them to a myriad of article directories. This not only boosts your backlinks to your site, increasing your position in the search engine for various phrases, but it provides an immediate boost of traffic from people reading the articles. There are great ways to automate this process including the use of software that submits to hundreds of article directories which automatically approve your articles.

Another fantastic way to increase web traffic is by writing guest posts on other people’s blogs. The simple method involves finding someone that has an authority blog in the particular niche in which you operate. Once you have found someone with a high-traffic, authority blog in your niche, you should contact them and ask them if they are willing to accept you writing an article on their blog in exchange for a link back to your site. This can be a very effective way of immediately generating free traffic to your site, but again, it depends on several factors. It depends on how popular the blog your post is on and how much traffic it receives, as well as interesting and enticing to readers your own article is.

Social bookmarking is another popular way of getting targeted web traffic to your site. It involves making small posts with your backlink on social networking sites such as digg. Not only are these sites very valued by Google in terms of their high page rank as backlinks, but they often provide tons of traffic to your site.

Video marketing, like article marketing, is also a great way to boost your web traffic. The idea is that you can submit many videos, optimizing each for your keywords, to YouTube and other such video sites generating lots of traffic for your site. There are also numerous ways to automate this process. Some sites and tools offer you the service of submitting your video to hundreds or even thousands of video sites for a large number of backlinks and views. When submitting your video, it should be keyword-optimized. Creating backlinks to each individual video is also another great way to rank them in Google and receive traffic through the search engine in that way.

Creating press releases and submitting them to press release sites which are often temporarily ranked very high in Google, is a good way to boost traffic too. These sites, although similar to article directors, are effective because they can be ranked very highly for a temporary amount of time and bring you lots of targeted traffic. The good thing is that they are also a great source for backlinks, so that when the temporary traffic fades, your site will enjoy a rise in the search engine positions for your keywords as well.

Sumber : http://realvisitortraffic.com/index5.html


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