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The German Pirate Party Takes Over Movie2K to Spread Its Message 220005df18p5qanp0h098p.png.thumb

While fans of the pirate streaming site Movie2K have moved on to Movie4K, which may or may not be a legitimate direct successor and may or may not sometimes contain malware, as some users report, the mystery of its disappearance is far from elucidated.

In fact, there is a possibility that the original Movie2K, under the original name and domain, may come back.

[ADMARK]What is clear though is that the original owners, or someone, are in control of the original Movie2K domains.

Whoever is in control started pointing the domain towards the German Pirate Party's domain name servers shortly after the site went down. The Pirate Party only noticed this after the fact and decided to put up a page with more info on the party itself.

Since, officially at least, the Pirate Party has no idea who is behind Movie2K or why they decided to redirect the domain to the Pirate Party's DNS, it can't offer any info on the fate of the original site.

The party is using this opportunity though to better inform people about its existence and goals. With 100 views per second hitting the Movie2K domain, it's clear that plenty of people have now seen the Pirate Party's notification page.

The Pirate Party even held a Reddit AMA to hopefully explain the situation and provide info for those in need.

Now, both movie2k.to and www.movie2k.to redirect to the Pirate Party page. Initially, both redirected to the new Movie4K site. Later, after the Pirate Party's page went up, movie2k.to was still redirecting to Movie4K.

Still, it's hard to imagine that fans of Movie2K or similar sites care that much where they're getting their free movies from.

Obviously, they don't care about the quality of the videos, or they wouldn't be using a streaming site, or about the annoying ads and potential malware.

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