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Chocolates, cheese, crisps, wines and cakes often make women forget about their strict diet plans, says a study conducted by Splenda, a sweetener brand.
A majority of women who are on a strict diet crave for chocolates whereas 31 percent crave for crisps and 27 percent crave for cheese, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

"Some food items seem too desirable to resist for some dieters and can almost conspire to undo weeks of determined dieting by many women. Our research clearly shows that chocolate are the number one craving most women find hard to resist, followed by crisps and cheese," said Splenda spokesperson Hannah Vose.

"We know that going on a diet can be a challenge for many women and cutting out all the things you crave can lead to failure. The real test of a diet is not just losing a few pounds quickly, but taking small steps and making small changes to your lifestyle and diet that last for years and can make a big difference," she added.

The other food items that women crave include biscuits, sweets and Chinese meals.

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