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Kate Middleton and husband Prince William will be whisking little George off for his first royal baby holiday to the Queen's Balmoral estate in Scotland next month, it's been revealed.

The Duchess of Cambridge is currently relaxing at her parents' family home in Bucklebury after giving birth to her first baby son last month, while hubby Will is now back at work with the RAF Search and Rescue team following his two weeks' paternity leave.

But the royal trio will soon be reunited once more for their first family holiday when they pack up baby George's baby belongings and head to the Highlands for their first family holiday. Royal correspondent Robert Jobson told Now magazine: "After being in the spotlight, they'll be looking forward to this period of relaxation".

"Wills will carry little George in a papoose and take him walking through the Highlands", he added. "The family will go fishing and have barbecues by the river. There's also a little hotel off-site with a swimming pool Princess Diana took her boys to, so George may even take his first swim." Sounds like the trio are in for some proper royal family fun!

Kate, Will and baby George's staycation to Scotland, where they are expected to be joined by Will's brother Prince Harry, the Queen, Prince Phillip and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, will mark the Prince of Cambridge's first official holiday since being born just over two weeks ago.

A Kensington Palace spokeswoman has added that the family’s trip would be deemed as “private” and not “official”.

By Robyn Munson

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