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A 39-year-old female Inspector of Police, Mary Igah, had pleaded with an Igando Customary Court in Lagos to dissolve her 19-year marriage because of threats to her life.


She told the court that her husband, Emmanuel, who is also a policeman, threatened to deal with her, and that soon after that, she saw her pant and brassiere in his bag. She said: “My husband took my underwear without my consent. I saw my pant and brassiere in his hand bag when he wanted to leave for work.


I am scared of staying with him, I no longer feel safe in his house.” Igah alleged that her husband was fond of disgracing her in public, including her place of work, saying, “My husband always comes to embarrass me at my place of work.


He will drag me out of my office with beatings, calling me a prostitute.” The respondent, 46-year-old Emmanuel Igah, who is also a police officer, denied the allegations levelled against him by his wife.


He alleged that his wife was promiscuous. “I heard about my wife’s infidelity, so I went to her office to find out and fortunately for me, I met her with the man. “I did not embarrass her.


I only excused her outside and asked what she was doing with the man and she started shouting. “I did not beat her. In short, I have never raised my hand against her since I married her 19 years ago,” he said. He begged the court not to grant his wife’s wish because he still loved her. The court president, Mr. R.I. Adeyeri, adjourned the case to August14, 2013 for judgment

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