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If you have a Facebook business page then you need to have people like it in order to boost your SEO efforts. There is no way that you can progress and make the top search engine rankings without getting likes on your page.

There may be some things that you are not doing correctly that could be keeping your from getting these much needed likes. You just need to look at your efforts objectively and see what the problem is in order to correct it. Below are some common mistakes that business owners make in an attempt to get more likes on their page.

Ignoring Fans

Yes, you are busy and you can barely keep up with your regular posts so you don’t have time to answer each and every fan who asks you a question. The problem is, you have to make time to answer these questions or not only will you lose followers but you won’t gain any news ones either. Unless you plan on buying all of the likes on your Facebook page then you have to work for them. Whether you purchase them or not, you need to be proactive and speak to your fans who have liked your page and who have genuine inquiries for you.

Broadcasting Rather than Asking Questions

Yes, you have points you want to make to your fans but you will lose followers quickly if you simply broadcast status updates rather than engaging your fans. You can certainly do this once in a while but the majority of your posts should get your fans involved. Asking questions is a great way to get feedback about your products and services and you can also post photos and videos to get their attention. Just randomly making posts that do not ask any questions or make your fans think is just a waste of a status update. You could also lose fans because they are not entertained and may feel that your page is becoming too spammy.

Negative Status Updates

Yes, everyone has a bad day and the same can be said in the business world too. But you have to keep your status updates positive and always remain the voice of calm. Even in your fans are in a heated debate over an issue, you must take a neutral stance and not side with one or the other. Stay out of the negativity and only allow positive messages on your page. You can also share the positive statuses of your fans to keep them engaged with your page. People love it when you make a point of singling them out for their good posts and they will remember that fact and be more apt to share your posts too.

When posting from a Facebook business page it is almost as important to know what not to do as it is to know what to do. Making common mistakes is a good way to lose fans and since they are the most important aspect of your marketing strategy, you need to keep them all.


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