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Combine Facebook Page with Twitter is Very Useful Business Online Header_bg

Discuss : How Important Is Facebook to Your Business and How Much Business is Generated (approximately)?

I just read a really interesting post about the number of times
someone posts to their FB page and so I’m curious. How much of your
business is generated through FB? And do you consider it a significant marketing resource for your Etsy business (or business overall)?

I have barely, if any, hits from Facebook so I really don’t utilize
it that much. in the future I will probably look into setting something
up but I’m trying to build my customer base as much as I can for now.

I love having my Facebook page. I post fairly often, almost everyday, and I try to post pictures of things
I’m working on in various stages, articles I think might be interesting
to my followers, as well as new listings. It gives me a chance to show
more of myself and my work and create a dialogue with people who are interested in my work. Some people turn out to be customers, some just enjoy watching the process, and maybe are artists themselves. I think it is a great tool.

FB hasn’t been a big draw to my shop, but you never know. I post new items there and a pics or information from others that I find interesting or cute on my page.

I ran a very successful ad on Facebook in November. Picked up a lot of new fans
& sold a few thousand dollars of clocks. It didn’t do anything for
my Etsy shop, but I’m ok with that. I’m the one that posted the thread
you mentioned.

Mix Ur personal page with business and have found that if I post something once a day or so as I list it or price it, most of my friends
will at least take a look at what I am doing. Plus it has allowed some
customers to become friends which makes things even better.

I have had mixed results
from Facebook as well. Good activity to start with but recently it has
been on the decline. I think it may have been due to the recent change
in the way Facebook lets people view your information.

You must have a personal page (where you invite friends etc) and the
biz page let’s people “like” you. I have both but pretty much just
interact with people on my personal page. We talk life, sports, etc and
then I throw a couple of links on there showing what I am doing either online or at the store. It is a good mix of business and pleasure…..so it doesn’t feel so much like work.

Most of my FB fans are actually just my real life friends; they make me feel better about being an artist
even when I feel bad about having a sales slump. I enjoy at least being
able to share new work and getting instant feedback. As for actual
sales conversions – probably less than 5 %.

I think if you enjoy being on Facebook (and I have my moments where I am ready to shut it down)
then it makes sense to let your friends know you have a business. But
if Facebook isn’t something you like I don’t think it is by any means a
“required” tool for advertising that you can’t survive without. Twitter is another tool that the same can be said for.

I have picked up a good # of fans on FB and I enjoy posting there about once a week.
I think it helps my business a bit and I know it has generated some
sales, but mostly I think of it as fun. I limit my posts to new products
or changes at my studio. I tried a cheap ad there last fall and I did get some new fans, but I don’t think it was worth it for me.
Source : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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