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Twitter is one of the greatest social networking and micro-blogging website. By using twitter you can make your thoughts, knowledge and shares go viral by which you can get more twitter followers, more twitter traffic and readership. To get all these benefits, you have to learn correctly that how to improve twitter followers quickly for your business, brand or blog.

If you have highly targeted twitter followers then you can easily get twitter traffic to your blog. If you don’t know the correct ways to increase twitter followers organically then it’s OK. I will give you some amazing tips to increase twitter followers fast.

Steps To Increase Twitter Followers For Your Blog

To get more readability and trust for your blog, you have to target some quality audience for your blog so your blog must have some quality twitter followers related to your blog niche. So just follow below steps.

Step-1 : First of all, make a list of some blogs whose blog niche is same as your blog and that blog must also have a great list of twitter followers.

Step-2 : After making the list of blogs, go to their twitter profile. I used Shoutmeloud twitter profile to increase twitter followers free for my blog. See below screenshot of twitter profile.

how to increase twitter followers

Step-3 : Now open the list of all the followers and start following all the followers because these are those followers whose niche is same as your blog. You can follow others as much you can. :)

how to increase twitter followers

You can follow maximum people to get more twitter followers and these are those people who have interest in your niche. And there is a great formula for twitter users i.e You Follow Me Then I Will Also Follow You.

When you will follow to these people then they will also follow you back. In this way, you can increase your twitter followers.

But sometimes it also happens that many people will not follow you back so you have to unfollow them because they are not following you. So Instead of following those people, you should follow those people who will follow you back. :)

Now you are thinking that How you will check who doesn’t follow you back. Right? So don’t worry, I will give you the answer of your question. ;)

The answer is that you can use an amazing tool i.e. TweepDash.

how to increase twitter followers

Tweepdash is a website which will help you to find those people who are not following you back so you can easily unfollow them.

Step-1 : Go to Tweepdash and Sign In with your twitter account.

Step-2 : When you will login to Tweepdash then you will see three columns. i.e. Celebs, Fans and Friends.

In the column of celebs, listed people are those who are not following you back.

In the column of fans, listed people are those who are following you but you are not following to them and In the column of Friends, listed people are those who are following you and you are also following them back.

how to increase twitter followers

In this way, you can find those people who are not following you back.

Step-3 : Now it’s time to unfollow them who are not following you back so just click on red cross sign in celebs column to unfollow them and then follow those who will follow you by using above trick.

At last the remaining followers are the highly targeted followers who are interested in you and in your niche.

This is the complete lesson on how to increase twitter followers fast which you should learn and also follow. Please leave your valuable comments to give your feedback and don’t forget to share this article on social networks. Happy blogging


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