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Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Blog and Websites are terms often used interchangeably. Problem is they aren't interchangeable. Blogs have a tough time gaining PageRank due to how they form information (mostly by reverse chronological order).

Yes you can make a blog more like a website and creating splash pages and nested navigation (subnav inside of categories) does help overcome some of long term blog #SEO limitations such as poor inbound linking, not enough content density on keywords since reverse chronological publication order doesn't help create content silos and engagement out in the long tail thanks to better navigation and merchandising of a blog's content.

If that entire last paragraph sounded like an adult on those Charlie Brown specials we suggest HIRING SOMEONE to help you create an online presence. That someone may use WordPress to create your #website and #blog but one is going to look and act differently than the other :).

Don't let them OVERCHARGE you. If you provide images, copy and other content (videos or infograpics) it takes about a day to set up a new WordPress theme (time depends on the theme). If you need all of that work done for you it should take about a week.

Figure $1,000 on the low end to get good help setting up your digital assets up to $5K if they do all the work. If anyone charges you more to set up a simple "starter" website don't pay it. If you want to take a stab at it grab a Wordpress theme and start figuring it out.

If you are figuring out your only digital presence read this piece on how to form a blog up like a website (with categories and subnav). Could I use the cash to help you set up? You bet, but no matter how much I need a paying gig my preference would always be for you to create your own (if that is a possibility).

Creating your own, possibly with a friend like me looking over your shoulder, teaches more than paying someone to do it for you. Best way to learn Internet marketing is to do Internet marketing :)

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