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Matt Cutts has just issued yet another video about guest posting. I know this will only feed the hysteria of those saying you should stop guest posting (or stop accepting or soliciting guest posts for your site) but I consider that totally unnecessary paranoia.

The truth is, guest posting, and even links gained from guest posting, can still have great value, as long as you do guest posting that is truly valuable and not just for building links.

In the post below +Barry Schwartz nicely summarizes the guidelines Matt gives in his video:

<> Don’t make guest blogging your only link building strategy
<> Don’t send out thousands of mass emails offering to guest blog to random sites
<> Don’t use the same guest article on two different sites
<> Don’t take one article and spin it many times

That all should be Common Sense 101 for anyone who is paying the slightest bit of attention to the way SEO has been going recently, but given that Cutts says guest posting is actually getting worse, it sounds like there are still tons of people who haven't received the memo.

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