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The website hosting market is a tough market. Relentless competition, increasing online challenges, pressure from customers – the last thing you need is a hard time managing your deployments and hosts.

cPanel has been helping web hosting companies, small and medium ISPs, and even Fortune 500 multinational companies since 1997. Findout how cPanel can make running your business easier, and why thousands of administrators and technicians choose cPanel over other web-hosting control panels.

Automate Your Processes

Since its introduction, cPanel has set the standard for automated management and deployment of web hosts. Through full automation of many steps in the process, cPanel saves you time when deploying. With cPanel, it doesn’t matter if you’re deploying one or a hundred domains; cPanel’s automation cuts down on unnecessary repetition while eliminating mistakes, allowing you to scale down your workforce or dedicate it to other business concerns.

The power to manage – for your customers

A common source of frustration for website owners is the inability to take control of their own websites. Many hosting providers just don’t have the tools to allow their customers to do the managing they want. In the end, all management responsibilities fall on the hosting provider– resulting in expenditure of precious time and resources.

cPanel gives your customers the capabilities to look after their own websites. Now, your technical staff can focus on more pressing technical issues while your customers can managetheir own websites. If a problem is too tough for your customers to handle, your hosting staff can then step in to troubleshoot.

Give your customers more value-for-money

The wealth of Internet technologies is growing, as these become more commonplace, demand for them will grow. cPanel is being frequently updated and supplied with the latest technologies and its add-on architecture allows you to upgrade your installations with new functionality and features. In turn, you can offer these to your customers with the same simplicity and ease-of-use that has made cPanel the standard in hosting management.

cPanel is also designed to function either as a dedicated server or as a Virtual Private Server. Now you can diversify your service offerings with premium high-end services that take full advantage of industry-tested Linux and Unix operating systems.

Painless migration

If you’re stuck on a non-cPanel setup or working with self-made scripts from when you first started your hosting business, you don’t need to completely wipe your servers to switch to cPanel. It is supported by experts who can guide you through migrating your existing hosts and domains to cPanel. Using per-protocol analysis, the cPanel migration team ensures that all services running on your customers’ servers are properly and completely migrated to cPanel.

15-day free trial

Avoid costly migration mistakes and headaches with cPanel’s 15-day free trial. Before giving your network of servers a makeover, make sure that cPanel meets and satisfies all your customers’ requirements.

Discover now what the top hosting providers running the most important websites have known for ages: cPanel is the best hosting and domain management tool ever.

“Peter Horn is an author of article written on Web Design Company and Web Development. For more information, please visit :- BuycPanel is the worlds largest cPanel distributor“



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