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1Tips Mencari Mentor Business Terbaik Empty Tips Mencari Mentor Business Terbaik Wed 30 Jan 2013, 03:54


Tips Mencari Mentor Business Terbaik How-to-find-a-business-mentor

Handling a business is not easy. It needs good decision-making and will demand you to look into the details carefully. Whether you are starting on this career or on the verge of climax, a set of advice from a skilled person is truly a big help for you to grow. At this point, what you need is a business mentor.

But before getting a business mentor, it is necessary for you to have known the things he should possess. The following are the tips in finding a business mentor. Read along.
Must be successful

A mentor will not be effective if he, himself is not victorious in the business career or even his life. It doesn’t mean that he must have not experienced down moments. It could sound good if he had lots of mistakes but was able to make his way through towards success.

This person could be in your local area who had receive excellence award, might be a topic in a magazine or article, or has expanded his business beyond your local area.
Must have long experience

The length of time he spent in a business career or being a businessman is also a plus point. This would mean that he had gone through many experiences all the way to the top. Surely, he would have a lot of tricks to tell you or circumstances you and his experience had in common in the past.
Can belong within your circle

It is also an advantage if your mentor is someone you already knew, a friend, a relative or your partner. This will add to your convenience and comfortability in having his presence or every time you approach him. Someone that can be trusted, easy to deal with and someone that can truly understand you. Be reminded that mentoring is a relationship.
Must have a good feedback

This is about what people can say to the person. If the majority refers you to a certain person, then there must be something he has that you might find particularly appealing.

Try also to check his background. You can do interviews with his neighbors, employees or his friends. Does he pay a fair-share in taxes? How is he with his family? How is he with your local government?
Must be someone willing

It means that he’s willing to take the risk or help you with your burden. Someone who’s available the moment you seek counsel.

A mentor is the person who had gone many experiences in the business or in his life. And certainly has learned all the way to make a way out of it or overcome it. Whether big or small, he has the expertise or the knowledge to help you become successful in handling a business. You may find those tips truly ideal for a person. However, you can base it also in his life. Searching for a mentor is not easy to find. But when you honestly believe in that person what he’s capable of, probably he could be a good mentor.

Sumber : http://incometherapy.com/how-to-find-a-business-mentor/


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