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1Mengenal Backlink Naked Link Empty Mengenal Backlink Naked Link Wed 19 Feb 2014, 16:25


Backlinks are basically what drives SEO these days. Webmasters today might probably sacrifice content and other on site optimization but few are willing to sacrifice when it comes to backlinks. With Google algorithm changes however overzealous webmasters have had to step back and rethink their backlink strategies if they hope to maintain their rankings. That is not to say the backlinks are no longer effective because they still are but they type and quality of links have to be given careful consideration, let’s examine this.

Backlinks, Why Are They Important?

When we go online we see a variety of links. We see them all the time. Links are what direct us to a particular site or to a particular page on a site. Put simply a link is something that you click to arrive at a particular place on the web. Search engines link Google use the number of links pointing to a site to determine the value of the site and also to determine where to rank that site. Highly rated sites (sites with a large number of quality backlinks) are the sites that make it to the first page of search engine results. This is why webmasters spend so much time building backlinks.

The Difference Between Anchor Text & Naked Links

Until recently anchor texts have always been touted as the way to go when it comes to link building. An anchor text is basically a link that is identified by specific words or phrases. The word or phrase used in the anchor text most likely will contain the keyword for the site to which the link is directed. This mode of backlink is popular because it gives the search engine a key to what the site is all about. Naked links on the other hand is simply a link of the website’s url. For instance www.yourdomain.com is a naked link.

Why The Switch To Naked Link Building?

The rampant and aggressive link building efforts of webmasters have had some negative results on rankings in the past months. Numerous backlinks with the same anchor texts are unnatural and the search engines know this. In recent times a lot of sites have been punished for these very links. Naked links on the other hand send a completely different message. They show that the links are created simply for the purpose of linking rather than for SEO or for manipulating the search engines. There are also other benefits to naked links including they are easier to remember since they are not hidden by anchor texts.

Use your naked links to mix up your link building and use them in conjunction with high quality content and your site will reap the benefits.

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