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Blogger or WordPress, Which is better? 507wb1
There are many free blogging platforms but only two have won every one’s heart. People always love that platform for blogging which provides all the features for free of cost; you got it right I am talking about wordpress and blogger. Usually every new blogger create their website with either wordpress or Google’s blogger and there is a huge competition between these two. So let’s see a brief comparison of both and decide yourself which is best for you to start with. There may be different reasons to start blogging and choosing best among these two also depends upon the reason for which you want to start blogging. Here I will cover both of them one by one so let’s start with blogger:

Google owns blogger and hence applies its policies to it. One of the biggest advantages with blogger is that you’ll take hardly 10 minutes to setup a blog with Blogspot.com account. It is very easy to use and maintain. If you are done with setting your blogger account you can start posting immediately. Let’s discuss some points about blogger as a blogging platform one by one:

With blogger it is really too easy to maintain account. You can easily add new pages and post. It is very easy to switch to different designs using any of the given templates and layouts.
Domain name with blogger account is always like “yourblogname.blogspot.in” by default (depending upon your country ‘.in’ will be changed). But blogger gives you to choose your own domain name for $10 per year and connect your blogger account with your personalized domain name. The biggest advantage of this is you do not need to bother about hosting cost.
No coding is needed. Blogger supports almost all features that a simple blog should have. If you have an account with blogger then you do not need to be from technical background. At present blogger supports many templates and you can use different layouts to customize those templates.
Awesome gadgets are offered by blogger as their free features to all blogger account. You can easily add gadgets like news, weather reports, currency converter, videos, slideshow, search box etc by a single click. You can place these gadgets where ever you want in your blog by changing their position by customizing layouts. If you smartly arrange these gadgets, you will succeed to create a good blog without paying anything. You can add your own gadget if you have the code of that gadget.
AdSense Integration is very easy with blogger because both are owned by same company. So those who want to start blogging to earn some money they can opt for blogger as it gives you by default option of AdSense to start with. You can integrate AdSense directly from your blog and after activation of AdSense you can show ads and make money online. You can use your blog to promote affiliate products to third party to simply make money. Through Amazon affiliate program blogger itself allows to generate affiliate revenue.
With blogger account Google own all your data. If Google finds you for anything that is violating its policies than it can shut your account down without any notification. You would be aware of this fact if you have ever heard about “Google slap”.

These were some points about blogger as a blogging platform. If you want a personal blog and want to share your experiences with friends and relative then blogger is perfect for you. If you want to share your knowledge with your friends and you post very rarely then blogger should be your choice. You can earn money from blogger without spending even a single dollar. So design your own blog, customize it according to your need, use gadgets and enjoy amazing blogging experience with blogger.


Now let’s discuss about other blogging platform which is also most popular. WordPress it is well known as CMS (content management system). It is open source and hence offers you fully customization. You should not be confused with wordpress.org and wordpress.com. Both are owned by same owner but wordpress.com is something like blogger it offers you free hosting and domain name (yourwebsitename.wordpress.com). WordPress.org is official site of the wordpress project and we will discuss about the same. You can download latest version of wordpress from wordpress.org and can start your website and blog with a domain and server that you own. Let’s have some look on what wordpress offers us:

WordPress is absolutely free. All you need is hosting plan from a hosting company and a domain name. WordPress also offers single click installation if you’re hosting plan includes cpanel. With cpanel you can do a one-click installation, upgrade and removal of your WordPress platform.
As you purchase your personalized domain name so it will be like “yoursitename.com”. If you are planning to have a business website, professional website or you need a functional website to sell your products then your domain name should represent an authority and personalized domain names are best option for the same.
Wordpress removes all limitations and is open source so if you are coding expert then it is best for you. You can make wordpress do whatever you want to. It offers thousands of themes for almost all niches. You can go for premium wordpress themes if you need to setup highly professional blog.
Supports thousands of plugins and gadgets. You can easily install and activate any plugin as per your need. Plugins do additional functions that you want to be added in your website. It makes your websites really functional and helps visitors in many ways. For example with wordpress plugin you can add a feature to comment from your Facebook account directly. Installation of plugin requires a single click. It’s that much easy to add and use a plugin and you can uninstall them whenever you want to.
You can also integrate adsense account with your wordpress site after activation from Google. If your blog is powered with wordpress then you can customize it in a better way and make it search engine friendly. With default installation you need a couple of plugins and even a better theme to really maximize the Adsense potential. With WordPress on your own domain you can ping as many blog directories as you want, and start getting more traffic so can increase your earnings.
You own your own domain name and have your own hosting so you own your content and you have complete ownership and copyright of content. You do not need to bother that someone can shut your account any time without informing you.

Now it’s your turn to decide best for you. First think about the purpose for which you want to blog and start a website then choose a platform. With wordpress I can make you sure that you will never be back. You will love wordpress for what it offers you. Share if you liked this post and please put your points in comment about which is best among these two?

Sumber : http://go.girilaya.com/k2tmr8


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