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Suzy Favor Hamilton si Sexy berprestasi tak lekang oleh Usia 135051-650-366

Suzy Favor Hamilton lost a client as a result of this week's disclosure of her secret life as a Las Vegas call girl. It might not be the last one.

Hamilton, a three-time member of the U.S. Olympic track team and a 44-year-old mother, admitted Thursday to working as a $600-an-hour escort. News of her admission to being a sex worker set of a flurry of questions and flood of controversy.

Apparently, entertainment giant Disney is no longer a Hamilton fan. The family-oriented company announced it was cutting ties with Hamilton. That word came two days after subsidiary runDisney announced that Hamilton would speak during August 2013's events around the Disneyland Half Marathon.

Hamilton spoke during the August 2012 race events and at a similar event in February, according to the Orange County Register, which is based near Disney's California theme park and headquarters.

Disney officials told E! News they had no contract with Hamilton for her speaking services. She was, they said, "only an invited guest and she was never paid or acting as a spokesperson for Disney."

Hamilton has been a representative for other running events, including several recently in Las Vegas.

The Big Ten conference, which hands out the Suzy Favor Athlete of the Year Award to honor an athlete who won 23 conference and nine NCAA titles, had no comment Friday. A spokesman for the University of Wisconsin athletic department also declined comment.

Disclosure of Hamilton's activities as a call girl came Thursday by the tell-all website The Smoking Gun. Images of her appeared in spaces normally reserved for tabloid standards including Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian.

In addition to being a three-time member of the U.S. Olympic team, Hamilton was an athletic legend in Wisconsin during high school and college.

Hamilton issued a series of Twitter comments Thursday, including an apology:

"I cannot emphasize enough how sorry I am to anyone I have hurt as a result of my actions and greatly appreciate the support from family and those closest to me. I fully intend to make amends and get back to being a good mother, wife, daughter, and friend."
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Sumber : http://go.girilaya.com/ly2uoi

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