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Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Do you want a FREE premium webhosting for 1 FULL YEAR?
Get 1 Year FREE Premium Web Hosting December 2012 Free
CLICK http://go.girilaya.com/9yei7c
Click Webhosting and use this below coupon to get it FREE
Coupon : XMAS2012

Enjoy FREE HOSTING for 1 FULL YEAR. Do not abuse the system.

Very Happy


Pejabat RT / RW
Pejabat RT / RW
Its almost very hard to get a premium web hosting free for a year online. If the Google-blogger platform is not enough for you to expand you may shift your interest into a paid hosting service.Most of the service providers like Hostgator, Dreamhost are coming with first month free (or almost free) hosting either with any limited coupon codes or along with their own paid services.

So a beginner, to establish his/her website with all the flexiblities of custom web scripts like WordPress or Joomla he needs an investment. Some of the free make money online methods will surely help, but I found a new way around online to get this free premium web hosting offer.

The Hint described below needs a top-level domain ownership. If you don't have one you may get one free TK domain from www.dot.tk
The steps involved in this method is simple.

( Note : You need a .edu email to get 1 year free business web hosting plan from Westhost for free)
(It’s easy to get a Maricopa.edu email. If you don’t have one get it here )

Visit Westhost.com and select Web hosting plans.
Select Business Hosting by clicking on get started.
Register with your existing or newly created domain name.
And complete the registration with real info.
Wola ! You got a complete free business hosting worth 180$ a year.

The premium web hosting offer is free for 1 year and after that you may transfer your website to any other much affordable hosting provider. But I should say the service WestHost provides is excellent for any advanced websites with 99% up time Still if you are not ready to pay them , you can choose to leave. Any way enjoy the free premium web hosting for a year.

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