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1Don’t Use AdMob Empty Don’t Use AdMob Thu 03 Jan 2013, 11:35


I know there are many articles or blog posts similiar like this one. And I’m happy to add it one more.

By hiding inside “protect our proprietary detection system”, Google may disable publisher account WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATIONS. Yes, they just disable it, bye your collected money, and bye all of your efforts to develop some great applications.

Without any mistakes, my account has been disabled twice. At the first time, they reactivate it after I fill their appeal form. But the second time they reject it (#7-8030000000203)

One thing I understand is that my application has been grows signifficantly (image below), and by using Google logic: whenever your traffic increased very high, then you’re must be cheated.

So, if you have plan to create some great applications, just don’t use AdMob. At least until Google fixing their so called detection system.

Sumber : http://go.girilaya.com/geo0ih
Very Happy


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