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Back in the day, any type of linking strategy was a good linking strategy. Unfortunately Google algorithm updates such as Penguin changed the link building scenario in the online marketing realm. Matt Cutts stated in March 2012 that Google is on drive to combat “over optimized” websites. And the consequence was, many blogs were taken away from Google’s index after it had begun its cleaning spree against websites with spam content and backlinks.

According to the update, any website that has created an unnatural looking backlink profile using only exact match anchor text will be considered as spam by the Google. Subsequently, Webmasters are scrambling to get rid of the unnatural links to avoid being penalized.

Assessment of the back links

If the Google Penguin update hit you or you’re afraid a future update could affect you, then you need to starting removing your bad links. You simply need to look into your backlinks in order to locate the percentage or number of low quality backlinks. However, a manual assessment is only feasible for small websites. On the contrary, bigger sites with several hundred backlinks makes investigation difficult. Luckily, there are a few tools that provide free information. Though it may be more worthwhile to pay for deep data sourcing in certain circumstances.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] are some of the good backlink detecting tools. All these three SEO tools provide you with a detailed and clear look at your backlinks and also at the anchor text distribution. However, you will notice variations in the data presented by the three tools. The reason for such differentiation is the uniqueness in the indexes leading to different backlink numbers. Hence, using more than one tool will help you locate all the backlinks that need your attention.

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