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1How To Remove Backlinks Empty How To Remove Backlinks Thu 10 Jan 2013, 02:55


Unfortunately, there is no real quick fix. It is actually a very time consuming process, but one is this definitely necessary.
How To Remove Backlinks 141484011_175625285888990

I started with a thorough backlink audit, identifying the good and bad links using a backlink check tool such as SEOMoz Open Site Explorer and good old hand done research.
I then went to each bad backlink website and manually requested that each of those bad backlinks be removed – either through contact boxes or direct email.

Unfortunately this is not as easy as you may think. Some sites did not have contact information, so I had to do domain ownership searches.

I used a site called Domaintools.com. To try and save time and money, I had the client reach out to their original SEO company for all of the contact information; however, the company insisted that they did nothing wrong and would not provide anything. So I continued on.

When I finished I compiled an Excel spreadsheet highlighting the website address and date of my removal request. I then used this information to file a reconsideration request with Google outlining all of my removal requests and any problems I had encountered.

Source : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]



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