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Capture a chance to win an all-expenses paid National Geographic Photography Workshop for one in the US, plus a Canon EOS 60D. Simply submit a photograph that showcases a ‘A Celebration of Colour’ which can be marvellous mix of colours or a specific shade, and you can be crowned the 2013 EOS Young Photographer of the Year!

What’s more, share your entries and get your friends and public to vote for them to win additional colour themed prizes!

Capture more colours

Focus in on our colour themes to win even more prizes! Submit a photo that matches the colour theme during a specific duration, get your friends to vote for it, and stand a chance of winning cool Colour Themes prizes.
Themes will launch according to the table below, so be sure to return on a regular basis and submit multiple entries.
Red Apr 9th - Apr 22nd See Winning Photo
Green Apr 23rd - May 6th See Winning Photo
Blue May 7th - May 20th
Orange May 21st - Jun 3rd

Selengkapnya : http://celebrationofcolour.com/contest


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