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High visibility. In all of these examples (with the possible exception of the browser tab), the title tags are visually prominent and quickly attract the attention of the user. I’ll refer to them as I talk about best practices for composing title tags:

Keywords. Title tags should display the primary keyword phrase for the page, and they should appear at the beginning of the tag. In my example, the long-tail phrase I optimized for was “difference between B2B and B2C marketing.” Packing several keyword phrases into a tag (keyword stuffing) is always a bad practice; however, if you want to include two or three short keyword phrases that are relevant, that is OK.

Character count. Keep in mind that Google only displays the title tag’s first 65 characters (sometimes less, sometimes more) in search engine results. Anything beyond that will be truncated: As you can see in my earlier example, my title tag’s entire branding message was invisible — but that’s OK because the name of our firm won’t influence searchers. Were our agency a household name, the tag’s branding message would influence click-throughs, making me better off with fewer keywords and more branding in the first 65 characters.

To brand or not to brand? As I just suggested, big brands can surely increase click-throughs by emphasizing the brand in the title tag. And while I used to be a proponent of putting a branding message on every title tag regardless of the level of brand recognition, these days it is better to be selective.

Best practice for inserting a branding message is to position it at the end, separated from the thematic message by a separator element. I like the pipe bar, but a dash will do. (Note: Do NOT use underscores as space separators.)

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