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1Tips: How to Have Great Skin Empty Tips: How to Have Great Skin Tue 24 Dec 2013, 15:50


Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. The Mediterranean diet is great for skin. Salmon and foods rich in omega 3’s make a positive impact. When it concerns your skin, you are what you eat. Note: Sugar is inflammatory.

Keep your skin clean and moisturize dry skin; dermatologists recommend moisturizing dry skin twice a day and overnight.

For oily skin use toner or natural fruit acids.

A little sun is healthy and mood- elevating. However, protect your face by wearing a sunscreen.

Green tea is anti-inflammatory and in the lab has been shown to heal skin.

Drink water to clean out toxins.

Exercise to shed stress hormones and improve circulation.

Get your beauty sleep; skin regenerates and hormones balance.

Don’t smoke and stay away from second hand smoke and other obvious pollutants.

Aim for good health. When you are healthy, you look more youthful and act that way. Illness weighs you down and saps your energy.

Smile and you will look younger and prettier.

Don’t force your beauty. Enhance it. Avoid harsh chemicals and treatments. Avoid drastic changes and a lot of makeup. Simplify with a more natural approach. Express who you are – not some artificial ideal. Don’t mask the real you. Living the truth of who you are is gorgeous!

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